A website and a blog in 2025?


My mid February decision to pull back from social media was a smart move for me.  I hadn’t fully realized how much I had bought in on the overarching goal of social media’s “selling attention” mindset and still don’t think I, or MANY others fully grasp its dopamine hit machine.  It’s not to say there isn't some actual good coming from these spaces.  I still frequent established groups that have shared interests and social norms almost daily - but I stop short from a deeper engagement on a wider spectrum because I know it’s not really scratching the itch.  In fact… it’s just adding more itch!

But I’m a social beast and I still enjoy connection.  Real connection. 

The kind of connection that fills a void vs. making them bigger.  The kind that reduces anxiety not increases it.  Less reactive, more proactive.  Less consuming, and more creating!  SO here we are.  An old school website and blog like it’s 1999.  As I’ve come to realize the last few months, creating things… anything seems to give me something I think I’ve been missing for a really long time. Working from this space just seems to make much more sense and might provide insight on how all the seemly separate “worlds” in my life actually do have a deeper connection.

I’ll stop for now but I urge folks to consider thinking more about how “Consume less, create more” might provide a shift in mindset you might be seeking. It’s helping on this end!

You’re welcome to visit, engage as much as you like.  Just know that the process of creating IS the point.  Nothing more.

One more thing…

Check out Eps 1621 of Marc Maron’s WTF podcast.  His guest is Chris Hayes and I was clueless of his body of work and his role on MSNBC, and I kind of still don’t care.  I don’t watch TV so he was an unknown to me until now, BUT he has some interesting things to say on the topic of attention, media, and our phones.  Might be worth a listen this week.

Rock on people…. Thanks for reading.  Leave a comment below or shoot me a message if you want to connect.


Wednesday Night Ride


February through the lens