Feeling Triggered?

Yep me too!

What is the benefit of posting such apparent trigger inducing content?

Even with my resolve to stay away from Facebook and other platforms, my brief visits have proven rather difficult this week. I think I drafted and deleted at least 10 comments to threads that triggered me. Ugh…

One of the true benefits of holding a camera is connecting with really great people. People skilled enough to talk on camera about what they do. Today’s visitor to the studio is someone coaching people in an academic space and they had some pretty amazing thoughts on how people interact, get triggered, then default on a (not so great) habitual response. Most often, it’s emotional; rarely from a space of deep thought, and almost never from a space of compassion.

As I browse Facebook, it dawned on me with a greater clarity… these spaces are just a collection of “trigger happy” people from ALL sides! I know, I know…. duh! I use the term happy loosely cause I don’t think ANYONE is very happy at the moment. Even if they say they are, I have a suspicion it’s more projection. In some of the more extreme posts that are clearly trigger others, I’m really curious why? What is the benefit of posting such apparent trigger inducing content?

I honestly don’t have an answer but I’m seeing it everywhere, from everyone. One of those things that you can’t “unsee” after my time in the studio this AM and I’m left with a gutted feeling.

I’m fortunate to have a wide friend base on socials. Even though I’m pulling back, I value those connections. People from many walks of life that do many great things around the world. It’s a blessing to know so many great humans. I was raised in a small town where everyone not only knows you, they know everything about you… even the things they don’t like about you. I miss those times when we all connect at the breakfast diner and found a way to connect without the need to trigger each other. Facebook and X (any platform!) have their places but it just seems like it’s an amplifier to the trigger / response human behavior that MANY don’t have a sense of how to do well at the moment.

Again I don’t have any answers and don’t presume to suggest I do. Just observations from a person that holds a camera.

If ANYONE wants to grab coffee…. drop a comment, or private message. Would love to connect.


2024/2025 Winter Bike Commute Report


Wednesday Night Ride